La flora fósil de la Formación Huimpil-Llafquentué, Triásico Superior, IX Región, Chile

Alejandro Troncoso, Rafael Herbst, Jorge Muñoz Bravo


The fossil flora of the Huimpil-Llafquentué Formation, Upper Triassic, IX Region,Chile.  A brief description of the megaflora from Members II and IV of the Huimpil-Llafquentué Formation,  from NW of Temuco,IXth Region,Chile, is given. The flora comprises: Neocalamites sp., Dictyophyllum  (D.) tenuifolium (Stipanicic & Menéndez) Bonetti & Herbst, Dictyophyllum (D.) fuenzalidai Herbst,  Gleichenites sp., C ladophlebis cf. kurtzi/mesozoica Frenguelli, Dicroidium odontopteroides (Morris)  Gothan, cf. Sphenobaiera sp., ? Sphenobaiera pontifoliaAnderson&Anderson, Heidiphyllum elongatum  (Morris)Retallack, Taeniopteris parvilocusAnderson& Anderson, Kurtziana sp. and Rochipteris spp.  Together with previous palynological data this floral assemblage confirms the LateTriassic age of this  unit.  Key words: Megaflora, impressions, Upper Triassic,Southern Chile.  

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