An inventory of saprophagous Calyptratae (Insecta: Diptera) in urban green spaces of Buenos Aires City

Luciano Damián Patitucci, Pablo Ricardo Mulieri, Martha Cecilia Domínguez, Juan Carlos Mariluis


The biodiversity inventory is an urgent task for insect conservation. Particularly, the urban green spaces (non-built-up areas) within urban environments are a fundamental element to the maintenance, and restoration of biodiversity. We described the diversity of saprophagous Calyptratae in three urban green spaces: a private garden, an urban park, and a natural reserve in Buenos Aires City, Argentina, and we compared the presence of native and cosmopolite species. A total of 14,688 specimens were collected, representing 62 species. The three most abundant species, C. macellaria, T. (S.) occidua, and C. albiceps, represent 81.70 % of the total sample. 67.24 % of species collected were natives and presented an increase in terms of richness towards less modified spaces. Muscoidea species were more sensible to the change produced by urban development on the natural ecosystems. Species cosmopolite treated as “global homogenizers” were identified.

Palabras clave

biodiversidad, Caliptratae, Argentina

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