Naturalización y etnobotánica de Vitis labrusca L. (Vitaceae) en la región rioplatense, Argentina

Julio Hurrell, Pablo Cabanillas, Elián Guerrero, Gustavo Delucchi


Naturalization and ethnobotany of Vitis labrusca L. (Vitaceae) in the Rio de la Plata re­gion, Argentina. In this paper Vitis labrusca L. (Vitaceae) is reported for the first time for the adventitious Flora of Argentina. The species was found naturalized in coastal areas of Quilmes, Berisso and Magdalena (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). Its description, uses and samples are included. Observations on its climb strategy are given, as well as a discussion of its ethnobotanical relevance, that it is linked to the process of naturalization in the area. This paper also includes a key for the identification of adventitious species of Vitaceae in Argentina.

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